Urban Stargazing by Patience Mackarness

When we lived in the Bullring we had balconies in the air. They were our playgrounds, me and Jimmy and John, and all our mates like Kitty next door and Eddie downstairs. The Bullring wasn’t a ring really, it was a long curve of tenements made out of brick and concrete, with a wide balcony that ran past the front doors on all four floors.

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The Simple Things by Georgia Boon

The car is thudding in and out of holes in the road. I can’t tell where anything is until I’m driving over it. But I’m used to that. We haven’t had streetlights since I was a kid, and they stopped making headlamps a decade ago. No-one goes out in the dark apart from me.

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The Pros and Cons of Conditioning by Laura Besley

I research how to make my boys’ hair grow faster: I wash it in special shampoo and ignore them when they complain I rinse it in cold water; I make them take additional vitamins after breakfast and massage their scalps while they’re watching TV; I buy a special brush with bristly bristles to distribute their natural oils and I do this two, three, four times per day.

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Tough Love by Ava Sedgwick

“You need fattening up.” Mrs Murphy slapped another ladleful of boiled turnip onto her grown son’s plate. “Anyone would think I wasn’t feeding you.”  Three months ago, when Alan returned to the nest, she bought him a set of matching shirts with the same confidence as she used to buy his nappies.

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Angry by Bob Johnston

Lord Serriorth’s name originated on an island far to the west. It related to anger, and he embraced that without even knowing the fact. He was simply a furious person, from the moment he woke in the morning, until the last moment he fell into bed, huffing, puffing and enraged about something or other.

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Trying, in French. by Beth Hunt

Sylvie said, if you want to make a baby, you have to break some eggs. It never became entirely apparent what she meant by that, but, in the manner of people desperate for a solution to an unsolvable problem, we returned to her time and again nonetheless.

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Mollusc by Dan Draper

A priest, a rabbi and an atheist walk into a bar and not one of them is in the mood for a joke. 

            They had decided ahead of time to stagger their arrivals and lie about where they were going.

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Geraniums by Joanne Rush

‘Goodbye, mother. Don’t come out.’ My daughter pauses in the doorway, stooping down to press her powdered cheek against my cheek. Then she takes her own daughter’s hand, and walks off. Neither one of them looks back.

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The Vulture by Meg Gripton-Cooper

She can feel that Isabelle hasn’t shaved her armpits recently. This surprises her. The fuzz of it burns Kate’s hands as she drags Isabelle into the bathroom. It’s easier than expected. The hardest part is getting her over the side of the bathtub.

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Cold Patch by Sherry Morris

It always starts with something small. I’m in the kitchen, putting away the shopping, when a raspberry tumbles from its punnet. Rolls across the granite kitchen counter. Drops onto the parquet floor. A shiver travels up my spine.

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The Volunteer by Francesca Lembregts

Ten years. Oscar and I have been as thick as thieves for ten years.
We were both young, fairly decent looking fellows when we first met, with sharp eyes and white teeth that were still all there. Don’t get me wrong, we’re not completely decrepit now, but time hasn’t been generous to us.

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